Paschal Pradeep12:16 AM Thanks for contacting the DBM Support team! You are now connected to Paschal Pradeep. We will be right with you. Paschal Pradeep12:17 AM Hi! Paschal Pradeep12:17 AM Hope you're doing well! ADV ADV12:17 AM hi! Hope you too) Paschal Pradeep12:17 AM I am fine, Thanks! Paschal Pradeep12:18 AM Checking the IO ADV ADV12:18 AM thx) Paschal Pradeep12:19 AM I'm afraid - There is a last day change made to the IO budget! ADV ADV12:19 AM yes, i'm make a budget smoller ADV ADV12:21 AM from 496 thousends (in my currency) to 492 thousends, and whatever - budhet is overspent. ADV ADV12:23 AM it is not the first time, but in previous times, budget was overspents not so much. In this time it over 1% overspent. Paschal Pradeep12:25 AM Thanks for all the shared details! Paschal Pradeep12:25 AM I am checking internally. Paschal Pradeep12:25 AM Please allow me 10 mins ADV ADV12:26 AM you're welcome, take youre time Paschal Pradeep12:26 AM Thanks a lot! Paschal Pradeep12:38 AM Hi! ADV ADV12:38 AM hi) Paschal Pradeep12:38 AM I've checked internally and found the answer! ADV ADV12:38 AM great news) Paschal Pradeep12:38 AM Unfortunately, it's an intended behavior for TrueView campaigns! Paschal Pradeep12:39 AM usually TrV LI Paschal Pradeep12:39 AM overspend because of the dynamic bidding nature Paschal Pradeep12:40 AM Also, 2% of overspend here is expected and it's within the TrV overspend limit. In this case we can avail the credit. Paschal Pradeep12:40 AM With regard to the credit it's upto the Account Manager discretion to issue the refund. Paschal Pradeep12:42 AM We've already raised a feature request to the engineering team regarding this issue and hoping for a solution soon. Paschal Pradeep12:43 AM I'd recommend - reach out to the Google AM for refund and he/she will take this further. ADV ADV12:43 AM i see. Thanks)

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